Are you Nerfed about Brexit?

It’s potentially a worrying time for the many hundreds and thousands of people who work in the environmental sector, from marine conservation, forestry and wildlife sanctuaries to technical consultancy, farming and the humble bin man.

What might happen in a post-Brexit Britain? Many of our laws and regulations protecting the natural environment, the water we drink and the air we breathe which are in response to European Directives and Regulations.

But it wasn’t always that way. Take air quality. Britain was one of the first countries to move to protect air quality in the 1950s, and our Chartered Institution of Wastes Management has led the world in standards and skills over its 118 year history.

Meanwhile, technology which has been adopted by Brits in their millions is opening up a multitude of opportunities for multinational platforms and brands to provide more efficient products and services, and Millennials are demanding much greater levels of transparency over the jobs they do, the products they buy and the food they eat to the point where regulators, governments and retailers are running to keep up.

env23’s John Twitchen will explore these issues and more at the forthcoming North East Recycling Forum annual conference on 24 November 2016 – register for your free place here.

Don’t be Nerfed – see you at Nerf!