Living on the eco edge

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Did you make it to Ecobuild this year? The show has evolved into a very interesting half-conference, half-exhibition with some great content on offer from lots of different angles, and a smattering of broadcaster “celebs” to spice things up. Will Gompertz being a...

Our common inheritance

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“Mr. Meeks, time to inherit the earth…” The words of John Keating, played by Robin Williams, in Dead Poets Society from BITD (i.e. 1989). A fantastic film, instructive and reflective in so many ways. And today is one that is reflective for me, considering the...

A plastic ocean – watch

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A new feature-length documentary has captured never-before-seen images of marine life, plastic pollution, and its ultimate consequences for human health – A Plastic Ocean. The issues around plastic in our oceans have been building for a few years now, even leading to the...

Winds of change

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A new report by Surfers Against Sewage looks at the impacts of climate change on surfing. It’s an interesting read, the impacts are much wider than just on the sport itself, and it considers how waves, oceans, beaches and water quality might be affected. More here.